Thursday, February 25, 2010

Millie Kate is 10 months

Millie Kate is so much fun these days and is always making us smile! I love this age. She still loves clapping, but now she's into pointing and waving. She waves every time someone leaves a room or we say bye. She's pointing to things she wants and things we can't figure out what she's pointing to. She loves music and bounces up and down when a song she likes comes on. She's crawling all over the place and pulling up on everything. She is keeping us on our toes! I love seeing how her little personality is coming out and can't wait to see how she changes in the next couple of months.

1 comment:

  1. i love these pics!! you know when she is ! you need to find a way to frame all 12 together so you can see the timeline of her changes!!! what a doll!
