Tuesday, May 25, 2010

MK is 13 months!

I think this month has been the most fun so far. Millie Kate is changing everyday and does some of the cutest things we've ever seen! She is always dancing. Cher seems to be her favorite right now, which makes her Pops very happy. She even starts to bounce up and down when my phone rings! She gives kisses all the time, she has just started signing "please", and she lays her head down on the table or even in the bathtub, when you say "time to go night night". She has become even more attached to her lovies and wants to have them with her when you get her out of her crib in the morning. She has also started sucking her thumb a lot more than before. She has 10 teeth now, 3 of which are molars. She's working on standing by herself, but really doesn't have much interest in walking yet. She loves to push her push toys around and put things in them if she can and she loves pulling things out of bags or baskets. She LOVES babies and every time she sees one she reaches for it and tries to hug and kiss it. It's so cute! I wish she could stay this age for a few more months, but I think that at every stage and then I end up loving the next one even more!!

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